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Invitation to participate in the ECFA early career researcher survey on training

ECFA currently organises the development of a Detector R&D roadmap, which is organised in 9 Task Forces, one of them beeing on Training. The ECFA early career researcher panel is currently collecting input from early career researchers on opportunities for training on instruemental related tasks. Also early career researchers from the astroparticle physics community are invited to give feedback:

“The ECFA early career researcher panel has been asked to collect input from early career researchers of all backgrounds, whether you have worked in instrumentation or not, on the opportunities for training that are available for instrumentation-related tasks.  In this spirit, we request that all junior researchers (students, post-docs, non-tenured/non-permanent researchers and engineers) take a few minutes of your time to fill out the following survey.  Once again, please fill it out even if you have not worked on instrumentation; you will not be asked for as much information in this case, but we still want to hear from you!

Please make sure to fill out the below-linked survey by the deadline of Thursday, April 22!  This is important as we will then review your feedback and prepare to present it on behalf of the early career researcher community it at the relevant ECFA working group meeting.

In this survey, you will be asked a series of questions about yourself in order that we can get a high-level overview of who we are representing, followed by a series of questions about the training experiences you may (or may not) have encountered during different stages of your career.  In case specific questions are not applicable to your situation, you can choose to not reply to them, as they are not mandatory.

All of the responses are fully anonymous, and results will only ever be shared in aggregate form, thus ensuring your privacy.  There are some text boxes, but in such cases we would encourage you to provide answers while keeping the replies anonymous (not mentioning names/etc).  If you wish to discuss with us in a non-anonymous way, you are welcome to contact us using the email listed below.

The results of this survey will be shared at the ECFA Detector R&D Roadmap Symposium on April 30th, 2021.  You are welcome to participate in that session as well, which can be found at the following link:

If you have any questions, or otherwise want to provide non-anonymous feedback, please contact the survey organizers at

Best regards,

The ECFA Early Career Researcher Detector R&D working group”