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29th Young Scientists’ Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics

29th Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics

24/04/2023 - 28/04/2023
All Day


The conference is intended for participation of students, PhD students and young researches who are involved in research in one of the following fields:

  • Atmospheric studies and space geophysics
  • Solar physics and heliosphere
  • Solar System & extrasolar planets
  • Stellar astrophysics and interstellar medium
  • Extragalactic astrophysics and cosmology
  • High-energy astrophysics
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Positional astronomy

During the Conference each young participant should present a short report (12 minutes) about results of his/her research or a poster (with an oral (!) poster presentation for 5 minutes). Besides students’ reports several invited lectures are planned.

Working language of YSC’29 is English.

Real life conference programme also includes excursions to the Main Astronomical Observatory of the NAS of Ukraine, Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine, Kyiv city tour (by bus), evening for theater/opera/organ hall and conference dinner.