The General Assembly
The General Assembly is the strategic, decision-making, and supervisory body of APPEC. It is responsible for the general policy and the procedures of APPEC. Representatives of the General Assembly are appointed by their participating institution. The representatives are in general the directors of major astroparticle physics institutes or agencies, or managers of major national astroparticle physics programmes.
The Chairperson of the General Assembly is elected by the General Assembly for two years. He/ She is “supra partes” and thus has no right to vote.
The Chairperson of the Scientific Advisory Committee and the General Secretary are often invited to attend meetings of the General Assembly without voting rights. Legal entities having acquired observer status attend the meeting of the General Assembly without voting rights.
The General Assembly meetings are organised on average twice a year.
Here are the current members of the General Assembly:
Name | Institution | Country |
Andreas Haungs (GA Chair) | KIT | Germany |
Antoine Kouchner (GA Deputy Chair) | APC | France |
Julie Epas (General Secretary) | APC | France |
Josef Pradler | ÖAW | Austria |
Krijn de Vries | FWO | Belgium |
Giacomo Bruno | FNRS | Belgium |
Ivan Stekl | IEAP-CTU | Czech Republic |
Katri Huitu | HIP | Finland |
Anne-Isabelle Etienvre | CEA | France |
Vincent Poireau | IN2P3 | France |
Christian Stegmann | DESY | Germany |
Uli Katz | KAT | Germany |
Christos Markou | NCSR Demokritos | Greece |
Peter Forgacs | Wigner Institute |
Hungary |
Antonio Zoccoli |
INFN | Italy |
Stan Bentvelsen / Jorgen d’Hondt | Nikhef | The Netherlands |
Rosemarie Aben | Nikhef | The Netherlands |
Leszek Roszkowski | CAMK | Poland |
Mario Pimenta | LIP | Portugal |
Alexandra Saftoiu | IFIN-HH | Romania |
Nicolae Marius Marginean | IFIN-HH | Romania |
Carlos Peña Garay | LSC | Spain |
Alexander Burgman | VR | Sweden |
Teresa Montaruli | SNF | Switzerland |
Thomas Werder | SNSF | Switzerland |
Helen Beadman, Jamie Parkin | STFC | UK |
Fedor Danevich | NASU | Ukraine |
Victor Matveev (suspended) | JINR | Russia (suspended) |
Standing Invitation | Institution |
Aldo Ianni (SAC Chair) | SAC |
Silvia Pascoli | EuCAPT |
Observers | Institution |
Martin Giard, Susanna Vergani | ASTRONET |
Joachim Mnich | CERN |
Paraskevas Sphicas | ECFA |
Ramon Miquel | EPS-HEPP |
Andy Williams | ESO |
Marek Lewitowicz | NuPECC |