10th Einstein Telescope Symposium
The 10th ET Symposium will be held from 11-12 April 2019 at Orosei, Sardinia, Italy, 30km away from the Sos Enattos Mine, one of the candidate sites of Einstein Telescope.
2019 is a crucial year for the ET. The 10th annual symposium will mark the official beginning of the ET international collaboration, with voting the statute of the collaboration and the public kick-off of the preparation of the ET proposal for the ESFRI roadmap update. At the meeting the science case of the future 3G network and the update of the ET conceptual design will be discussed.
A limited number of talks and posters will be accepted at the symposium. Young researchers are kindly and strongly invited to submit their proposal for a talk or a poster. Submission is expected to close the 15th of March 2019
Further information is available here: https://agenda.infn.it/event/18124/overview