16th International Baikal Summer School on HEP and Astrophysics
Location: Bolshiye Koty, Russia
Date: 08/07/2016 – 15/07/2016, all day
The 16th JINR-ISU Baikal Summer School on Physics of Elementary Particles and Astrophysics will take place from 8 to 15 July 2016, in a picturesque village Bol’shie Koty (Big Cats) on the shores of Lake Baikal.
Undergraduate and graduate students as well as early-career PhDs (postdocs) are invited to attend the School. The working language of the school is English. The School offers a unique experience of full scientific immersion “Siberian style”:
A week of lectures given by world experts on variery of topics (Standard Model and beyond, neutrino physics, LHC results, cosmology, gravity, astrophysics)
Plenty of time for questions and informal discussions with lecturers
Intensive study sessions on topics of the lectures held in small groups
An opportunity to give a presentation or present a poster of own work
Friendly atmosphere, new contacts and friends
The stunning views of the Lake Baikal and Siberian Taiga.