2021 ECFA Detector Research and Development Roadmap published
Starting in May 2020 with an EPPSU mandate to ECFA to develop a raodmap for detector R&D efforts in Europe, ECFA implemented a process to deliver such an document. This task was now succefully finished and the 2021 ECFA Detector Research and Development Roadmap was just published.
The roadmap process was organized in six technology-oriented Task Forces, Gaseous Detectors, Liquid Detectors, Solid State Detectors, Photon Detectors and Particle Identification Detectors, Quantum and Emerging Technologies, Calorimetry, and three transversal Task Forces across all technologies and facilities, Electronics and On-detector Processing, Integration, and Training.
During several topic-specific Symposia the community and experts from other fields were involved inthis process. An Advisory Panel with members from different fields helped to establish the communication between conveners and experts in each Task Force and the experts in their respective fields. Also APPEC was asked to provide experts for each Task Force who had been contacted by the convenors to evaluate possible links of the Task Force content to Astroparticle Physics.
On 18th November 2021 the Roadmap Document was approved by Plenary ECFA and as final step presented to CERN Council on 10th December 2021. The Synopsis and the full document are now available here: https://cds.cern.ch/record/2784893
We want to thank our ECFA colleagues not only for the successfull compilation of this very useful and forward-looking document, but also for the good cooperation with APPEC to identify and support possible synergies in detector developments.