27th European Cosmic Ray Symposium
— CANCELLED/POSTPONED, please check the website of the event for further information —
The 27th European Cosmic Ray Symposium (ECRS 2020) will be held in Nijmegen, the Netherlands from July 13th to 17th, 2020.
The European Cosmic Ray Symposium is covering the following topics in Astroparticle Physics:
Cosmic-Ray Physics, Gamma-Ray Astronomy, Neutrino Astronomy, Dark Matter Physics, Solar and Heliospheric Physics, Astroparticle Physics Theory and Models as well as Experimental Methods, Techniques, and Instrumentation.
The scientific program will include invited plenary talks, solicited presentations in parallel sessions, and poster sessions. There will be awards for the best posters.
More information: https://indico.nikhef.nl/event/2110/