17 March 2016
The European Comission recently announced the results of the last year Horizon 2020 call in the domain of Future Emerging Technologies (FET-Open). In this highly competitive call the SENSE proposal, submitted by a team of three APPEC related partners (University of Geneva, MPI for Physics in Munich, and DESY as coordinator), was among the 13 selected projects.
The SENSE project will be funded as a Coordination and Support Action with the aim of coordinating the research and development efforts in academia and industry in low light level sensoring. This initiative has emerged from the series of Technology Forums organized within the frame of ASPERA and APPEC. SENSE is a three years project. Starting in September 2016, R&D experts will be invited to prepare an R&D roadmap towards the ultimate low light level sensors. SENSE will then coordinate, monitor and evaluate the R&D efforts of research groups and industry in advancing low light level sensors and liaise with strategically important European initiatives and research groups and companies worldwide.
To foster cooperation and knowledge transfer SENSE will build up an internet-based Technology Exchange Plattform. Training events and material shall be prepared to especially engage young researchers.
A kick-off event is planned for September 2016. Further information will be distributed by the APPEC newsletter.
Katharina Henjes-Kunst
Thomas Berghöfer