APPEC makes SENSE: Invitation to the kick-off workshop 27 September in Munich
7 September 2016
By Katharina Henjes-Kunst and Thomas Berghöfer
In April, we had reported that the SENSE project will be funded by the European Commission as a Coordination and Support Action in the domain of Future Emerging Technologies. After successful negotiations the three-year project, which can be seen as a satellite activity of APPEC, will be starting this month.
The aim of SENSE is to coordinate research and development efforts in academia and industry in low light level sensoring. This initiative has emerged from the series of Technology Fora organized within the frame of ASPERA and APPEC.
We cordially invite all interested colleagues from academia and industry for the SENSE kick-off workshop. This one-day workshop will be held on 27 September, 2016 in Munich at the Carl-Friedrich-Siemens Foundation in Nymphenburg Castle. Participation in the workshop is free, but registration is required.
The SENSE work programme is defined by the following activities:
- set up an experts group and conduct the development of a European R&D roadmap towards the ultimate low light-level (LLL) sensors,
- monitor and evaluate the progress of the developments with respect to the roadmap,
- coordinate the R&D efforts of research groups and industry in advancing LLL sensors,
- prepare a database of light sensor specifications and lab equipment, test stands and expertise available in the different institutions,
- liaise with strategically important European initiatives and research groups and companies worldwide,
- create the Technology Exchange Platform to enable an efficient exchange between researchers and developers being involved in SENSE,
- prepare training events and material to attract and teach especially young researchers,
- work out a technology training session that can implemented in any existing summer school.
Further information and registration for the SENSE kick-off workshop can be found on the SENSE website.