Illustration of the Astro-COLIBRI smartphone application
After three years of reflection and development, the “Astro-Colibri” application has just been launched. This digital interface, created by researchers at Irfu/DPhP, aims to make information on transient and multi-messenger phenomena easily accessible in real time. The need to react quickly to the most violent explosions in the universe and the large amount of information provided by the global network of observatories requires new approaches and new tools. Through “Astro-Colibri”, several observatories now have the capacity to coordinate in monitoring and identifying the sources of physical phenomena in the transient sky.
The platform, which exists in the form of a smartphone application (IOS and Android) and a website, allows alerts to be put into their observational context by cross-referencing them with already known data. This saves researchers a considerable amount of time. In addition, the application anticipates the best possible observation periods for a given observatory. This free interface is also a fun and practical tool for astrophysics enthusiasts who will be able to easily move around this functional application.
Please read more about Astro-COLIBRI here.
Further information:
- The website is available at https://astro-colibri.com
- The smartphone apps can be found in the relevant app stores (Android / iOS).
- Further information, tutorials, etc. are available on the dedicated YouTube channel
- Twitter: @AstroColibri
- A paper describing the functionalities has just been published in the Astrophysical Journal (P. Reichherzer et al 2021 ApJS 256 5, journal link + arXiv)
- Concrete examples of use-cases are described in F. Schüssler et al. PoS (ICRC2021) 935 (2021), arXiv