Big Data Science in Astroparticle Physics
The 4th Workshop of Big Data Science in Astroparticle Physics – Deep Learning & Open Data – will take place from 17 -19 February 2020 in Aachen, Germany. The workshop covers the following topics:
- Hands-on tutorials
- Deep Learning
- Open Data-Software-Analysis
- Actual developments
For those who never worked with deep network there is the possibility to participate in a beginners tutorial on Deep Learning.
This workshop is supported by Helmholtz Alliance for Astroparticle Physics HAP and Arbeitskreis Physik, moderne Informationstechnologie und Künstliche Intelligenz der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft e. V. AKPIK.
Further information and registration: https://indico.scc.kit.edu/event/669/