CTA symposium
The theme for the First CTA Symposium is “Science opportunities with CTA” and will take place at the historical Teatro Duse in Bologna 6-9 May 2019 (https://www.cta-symposium.com). Through a combination of invited and contributed talks, as well as poster sessions, the meeting aims to gather the larger Multi-wavelength and Multi-messenger communities and set up new channels of communications and synergies among them and their results (preliminary programme available on the website). The call for contributed talks to this First CTA Symposium in now open, and covers the following areas of the field:
– Cosmic particle acceleration
– Compact objects and relativistic shocks
– Role of cosmic particles in galaxy evolution and star-forming systems
– Gamma rays as cosmic probes
– Fundamental physics
– Multi-wavelength and multi-messenger observations
– Additionally, any topic connected to the scientific possibilities of CTA
Registration for the First CTA symposium is now open. Participants can register online at http://www.cta-symposium.com/registration. Your registration will be confirmed by the workshop secretary as soon as the registration fee has been received. The workshop registration fee is 300 € before 5 April, 2019 and 350 € after this date. A special rate of 200 € (250 € after 5 April) is available for students.
Submit your abstract by sending your contribution to symposium-abstracts@cta-observatory.org – please make your submissions comprehensible to a broad astrophysical audience as some of the attendees may be unfamiliar with the specifics of your field.
The deadline to submit abstracts has been extended to March 10, 2019. The scientific organising committee (SOC) will consider the submission for inclusion in the preliminary programme and will notify the authors whether their contribution has been selected for an oral/poster presentation by March 29, 2019.