Dawn V: Global Strategies for Gravitational Wave Astronomy
With the observation of the first gravitational-wave event from a binary neutron star, GW170817, during Advanced LIGO and Virgo’s second observation run, multimessenger astronomy with gravitational waves has started. The current generation of gravitational-wave detectors now serves a wide community including fundamental physics, astrophysics, astronomy, cosmology and nuclear physics. The observations to date and their widespread impact on science make the argument for future facilities quite compelling.
The one and one-half day program of this meeting will have a focus on the recently completed Gravitational-Wave International Committee study of third generation detectors (3G), and seeking the next significant steps for the community to realize the future network. Of particular interest is the proper coordination between the European effort proposing to build an observatory detailed by the ‘Einstein Telescope’ design study, and the U.S. proposal of a similar class observatory, named ‘Cosmic Explorer’.
For more information and registration (Deadline: 13 May 2019): https://indico.ego-gw.it/event/20/