ESA/ESO SCIOPS workshop 2019
The ESA/ESO SCIOPS workshop 2019 on “Cross Facilities Collaboration in the Multi Messenger Era” will be held from 19-22 November 2019 at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), ESA, Villanueva de la Cañada, Madrid, Spain.
With the observations of electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational wave events and to high-energy neutrinos, astrophysics has entered the multi-messenger era. New powerful survey facilities at different wavelengths are becoming reality and will hugely increase the number of potentially interesting targets in the next few years. A growing network of observatories is being made ready to follow up on exciting events. But the sheer number of expected follow-up targets and the complexities of collaboration and coordination among wide groups of researchers and different observatories poses many challenges to the existing means and ways of working.
At the same time, technology continues to make rapid advances, allowing for unprecedented interconnectivity, fast and interactive visualisation and new methods of machine-supported analysis for huge data sets. As the everyday experience of dealing with technology and information evolves, so do requirements on the organisations providing data to the scientific community and the general public.
This 4th ESA-ESO collaborative workshop will focus on the experiences gained in the last years in multi-mission, multi-wavelength and multi-messenger collaboration, on the challenges for the coming years and on ideas and approaches to tackle these challenges.
More information: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/sciops-2019