International Meeting for Large Neutrino Infrastructures
17 April 2014
There has been extraordinary progress in the understanding of neutrino properties during the last 15 years. Nevertheless, a few important parameters for particle physics and cosmology need yet to be determined, chief amongst them: the neutrino mass hierarchy and absolute scale, the determination of the CP violation parameter, the existence or not of sterile neutrinos.
While the present generation experiments will certainly give hints for the range of the above parameters, very large-scale experiments will be needed to fully accomplish the task. These very large-scale experiments will also naturally have astrophysics potential and increase the sensitivity of the searches for proton disintegration.
The very large scale of these infrastructures imposes international coordination and collaboration in order to be realized. The aim of the International Meeting for Large Neutrino Infrastructures (IMLNI) that will take place in Paris on the 23rd and 24th of June 2014 is to gather key representatives of funding agencies and key proposers of neutrino infrastructures from all the regions of the world to assess the opportunities of global scale collaborations and eventually set up the forum and tools for the accompaniment of the global coordination effort.
The meeting is hosted by APPEC and is prepared in close contact with large funding agencies and the ICFA neutrino panel.