International School on Astroparticle Physics
4 May 2015
ISAPP School on Cosmology. June 15-25, 2015, Paris, France
Every year, the ISAPP European network* organises schools in astroparticle physics at the doctoral level for experimentalists, observers and theorists. The present school will be held in Paris, 15- 25 June 2015, and is dedicated to Cosmology. Time is ripe for an in-depth look at the field in light of the new results from the Planck satellite mission and the beginning of an era of large surveys dedicated to dark energy research. No prior experience in cosmology is required as introductory courses will present the standard cosmological model and observational techniques. Topics to be covered include the cosmic microwave background, the early universe, large-scale structure, dark energy observations and theory, modified gravity, instrumental techniques. It will finish with a look to future prospects in major research areas.
The School is open to PhD students and post-docs working in the fields of cosmology, high energy astrophysics and particle physics. Lectures will take place close to the APC laboratory in Paris. Pre-registration will be open from March 5th to April 26th. Please send a CV and have your adviser send an email in support of your application. For more details, please consult the School’s website.
ISAPP is a network of 33 European doctorate schools and institutes from nine European Union countries plus Russia and Israel. ISAPP’s main goal is to create a real astroparticle community amalgamating the elementary particle and astrophysics communities. To this purpose exchanges between students and lecturers are promoted as far as common doctorate theses; in addition every year two to three events are organized, normally two schools and sometimes also a summer institute. More information can be found on the ISAPP web site.