Invisible’s School 2015
Location: La Cristalera, Madrid, Spain
Date: 15/06/2015 – 21/06/2015, all day
The Invisibles15 School precedes Invisibles15 Workshop. In this edition the focus of the school will be collider physics, flavour and BSM phenomenology.
Lecture topics include:
Effective Field Theory – David B. Kaplan
Physics Beyond the Standard Model – Hitoshi Murayama
LHC Phenomenology – Gilad Perez
LHC Tools – Fabio Maltoni
LHC Experimental Aspects – Lydia Fayard
Flavour Physics – Yossi Nir
Tutorial sessions every day – Mattias Blennow, Concha Gonzalez-Garcia, Silvia Pascoli and Steve Parke.
Two special 1-hour lectures – Alvaro de Rújula, Concha Gonzalez-García.