Low-latency alerts and data analysis for Multi-messenger Astrophysics workshop
The “Low-latency alerts and data analysis for Multi-messenger Astrophysics workshop”, organized with the support of the H2020 funded project AHEAD2020, the APPEC consortium, IN2P3, APC Laboratory and EGO was held on 13-14 January online. The workshop, the first of a series, gathered over 150 participants and aimed to provide an overview of the existing and future developments from a data analysis perspective of the space-based and ground-based infrastructures, identify and discuss technical issues and foster new interactions and community building around the multi-messenger data analysis science and tools. Together with the future events on this topic of paramount importance to be announced in the first half of the year by the committee, the long term goal is to contribute to the emergence of a common path towards a more integrated approach for the multi-messenger astrophysics data analysis. The contributions can be found here: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/25290/contributions/