Meeting of the APPEC General Assembly in Lisbon
The APPEC General Assembly (GA) came together in Lisbon at the Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics (LIP). The meeting started on the evening of 2 December with an excellent dinner, which was already used for first informal discussions. On the next day the APPEC Chair Teresa Montaruli and the local organizer and representative of Portugal, Mario Pimenta welcomed the GA and Pimenta opened the session with an overview on Astroparticle Physics in Portugal.
Subsequently, the resumption of Poland participation to APPEC with CAMK representing it was approved by the General Assembly. Prof. Leszek Roszkowski will be the selected representative of Poland in the GA. He informed the Assembly of the excellent European Community financed AstroCENT (https://astrocent.camk.edu.pl), which has the scope of developing dedicated projects in astroparticle physics with the scope to develop innovation at the border between this field, computing, sensor and electronic development and medical applications.
Then the list of discussion points was worked through. It covered
- an status report on the European Particle Physics Strategy Update and proposed recommendations,
- the proposal towards a more sustainable APPEC,
- the organisation of the next Town Meeting,
- the proposal of a technology forum of APPEC open to ECFA and NuPECC,
- and the progress of the Scientific Advisory Committee.
Regarding the last point we would like to highlight the final report of the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay sub-committee, see also here.
The time for the meeting was by then almost over and the remaining was used for a report from the Joint Secretary (JS). Unfortunately we had to let one of our JS colleagues go and we would like to take this opportunity to thank Francesca Moglia for her time at APPEC and wish her all the best for her future.