The ESA mission Planck has set a very high standard in European research on the cosmological microwave background delivering the definitive map of temperature fluctuations. These measurements together with other measurements, e.g. the discovery of Higgs at LHC nurture the hope of a fundamental theory addressing the formation of the Universe at all scales from the smallest to the largest.
Furthermore, Planck together with other CMB measurements on ground and large surveys using telescopes opened the possibility of new breakthroughs in the CMB domain, including the mapping of the B-polarisation. This will give access to the parameters of inflation and the neutrino mass, the correlation of CMB with large scale structures as well as the distortions of the blackbody spectrum, opening access to phase transitions and other events before recombination.
It is currently believed that the next space mission will happen at the earliest in the late twenties-early thirties and it should be planned with the same ambition that determined the design of Planck, that is: give definitive measurements. Till then the European CMB community needs to develop both intermediate measurements on ground or using balloons and the technology that would permit ultimate sensitivities.
APPEC and ASTRONET organize the meeting “Towards the European Coordination of the CMB programme” in August 31-1 September 2015 in Florence. The meeting will gather both principal investigators and agency representatives attempting to set the conditions and chart the first steps towards European coordination on the ground and sub-orbital missions, review and prepare future collaboration in the detector side, discuss similar efforts in other parts of the world, prepare the proposals to future mission calls of ESA.
Atoms in interstellar matter, stellar spectra, stellar and planetary atmospheres, interplanetary plasma and heliosphere, meteors, meteorites and interplanetary dust, space and high-energy astrophysics.
Molecules in interstellar matter, stellar spectra, stellar and planetary atmospheres, meteors, meteorites and interplanetary dust, astrochemistry and bioastronomy.
Dust and ices in interstellar matter, planetary surfaces, meteors, meteorites and interplanetary dust, astrochemistry and bioastronomy.
Plasmas in interstellar matter, stellar spectra, stellar atmospheres, interplanetary plasma and heliosphere, meteors, space and high-energy astrophysics, meteorites and interplanetary dust.
Nuclei and particles in stellar spectra, stellar atmospheres, space and high-energy astrophysics.
The 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC) is an important and large conference in the field of Astroparticle Physics. The ICRC covers: cosmic-ray physics, solar and heliospheric physics, gamma-ray astronomy, neutrino astronomy, and dark matter physics.
The ESA mission Planck has set a very high standard in European research on the cosmological microwave background delivering the definitive map of temperature fluctuations. These measurements together with other measurements, e.g. the discovery of Higgs at LHC nurture the hope of a fundamental theory addressing the formation of the Universe at all scales from the smallest to the largest.
Furthermore, Planck together with other CMB measurements on ground and large surveys using telescopes opened the possibility of new breakthroughs in the CMB domain, including the mapping of the B-polarisation. This will give access to the parameters of inflation and the neutrino mass, the correlation of CMB with large scale structures as well as the distortions of the blackbody spectrum, opening access to phase transitions and other events before recombination.
It is currently believed that the next space mission will happen at the earliest in the late twenties-early thirties and it should be planned with the same ambition that determined the design of Planck, that is: give definitive measurements. Till then the European CMB community needs to develop both intermediate measurements on ground or using balloons and the technology that would permit ultimate sensitivities.
APPEC and ASTRONET organize the meeting “Towards the European Coordination of the CMB programme” in August 31-September 1, 2015 in Florence. The meeting will gather both principal investigators and agency representatives attempting to set the conditions and chart the first steps towards European coordination on the ground and sub-orbital missions, review and prepare future collaboration in the detector side, discuss similar efforts in other parts of the world, prepare the proposals to future mission calls of ESA.
The Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theory will take place at the University of Rome Sapienza July 12 – 18, 2015, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Einstein equations as well as the International Year of Light under the aegis of the United Nations.
For the first time, in addition to the main meeting in Rome, a series of satellite meetings to MG14 will take place. The registration to MG14 will also cover participation in one additional satellite meeting.
Joint workshop Astroparticle Theory and Dark Universe
21-23 September 2015, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
This meeting follows the HAP DM 2013 meeting, addressing recent results and developments in Dark Matter search. The workshop will be organised along plenary overview talks by senior scientists, with the additional possibility for young researchers to present their work in short presentations.
HAP DM 2015 will have overview talks on the following topics:
CMB and its impact on DM: Planck results focussing on consequences for WIMP DM
CDM vs. WDM scenarios: N-body simulations with LCDM parameters: general overview and special results on dwarf galaxies; Simulations of galactic structures with warm DM; Astrophysical observations of dwarf galaxies/ dwarf galaxy surveys; Searches for DM annihilation in dwarf galaxies; Production of Sterile Neutrino dark matter; Observation of a 3.5keV line from X-ray observations of galaxy clusters – evidence for sterile neutrinos?
WIMP models and (laboratory) searches: WIMP interactions in EFT and simplified models; LHC DM search: results and perspectives; Asymmetric Dark Matter; Two-Component Dark Matter; SUSY NMSSM WIMPs; Direct searches for WIMPs, challenges & perspectives with liquid noble gas detectors; Direct searches for WIMPs, challenges & perspectives with cryogenic bolometers
Axions, ALPs and dark photons: Phenomenology of dark photons and ALPs; The experimental search for axions and ALPs
Indirect DM searches: Modelling of astrophysical foreground; Update on Fermi-LAT & the case for a 1-3 GeV excess in GC data; Positron excess, the search for nuclei and prospects with AMS-02; Searching for a neutrino signal from DM annihilation in IceCube and SuperK
Program Committee:
Gisela Anton (ECAP Erlangen), Klaus Eitel (KIT), Iris Gebauer (KIT), Josef Jochum (Kepler Center Tübingen), Michael Klasen (WWU Münster), Lutz Köpke (JGU Mainz), Marek Kowalski (HU Berlin, DESY Zeuthen), Gernot Maier (DESY Zeuthen), Uwe Oberlack (JGU Mainz), Martin Pohl (U Potsdam, DESY Zeuthen), Thomas Schwetz-Mangold (KIT), Günter Sigl (U Hamburg), Christopher Wiebusch (RWTH Aachen)
Local Organisation:
Klaus Eitel, Marie-Christine Kauffmann, Thomas Schwetz-Mangold
On behalf of the members of the Collaborative Research Center 634 (Sonderforschungbereich 634) “Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Astrophysics and Fundamental Experiments at Low Momentum Transfer at the Superconducting Darmstadt Linear Accelerator (S-DALINAC)” we would like to invite you to its concluding conference. The CRC has been funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) for the maximum possible period of 12 years since July 2003. The conference will be held at the Darmstadtium Conference Center in Darmstadt, Germany.
The International Center for Theoretical Physics is proud to host PASCOS 2015, the 21st International Symposium on Particle, Strings and Cosmology. The aim of the symposium is to review the recent progress in particle physics, string theory and cosmology, with particular emphasis on their interrelation. While the conference is mainly aimed at theorists, there will be a strong experimental component, with discussion of new results and future experiments.
The topics that will be covered include:
Beyond SM Physics
Conformal Field Theory
Cosmological Probes
Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Flavor Physics and CP Violation
Future Colliders
Higgs Physics
Inflationary Cosmology
Neutrino Physics
New Experimental Particle Physics Results
Non-Accelerator Probes of BSM
Primordial Gravitational Waves
String Phenomenology
SUSY Phenomenology
This symposium is the 13th of such series, started 1988, to exchange the progress of nuclear astrophysics and related fields. As demonstrated in previous ones, this symposium series provide good opportunity to attract researchers in fields of nuclear physics, astrophysics, and more, with more than 100 participants.