Spotlight Live: Dark Matter at Long Last? Three New Experiments Ramp Up
20 November 2014
The Kavli Foundation – Spotlight Live: Dark Matter at Long Last? Three New Experiments Ramp Up
20 November 2014
The Kavli Foundation – Spotlight Live: Dark Matter at Long Last? Three New Experiments Ramp Up
19 November 2014
19 November 2014
European Southern Observatory – Spooky Alignment of Quasars Across Billions of Light-years
18 November 2014
Imperial College London – Gravity may have saved the universe after the Big Bang, say researchers
18 November 2014
Subaru Telescope – Subaru Telescope Detects Sudden Appearance of Galaxies in the Early Universe
14 November 2014
13 November 2014
Chandra X-Ray Observatory – NASA X-ray Telescopes Find Black Hole May Be a Neutrino Factory
13 November 2014
8 November 2014
December 8-10 2014, Aachen, Germany
A new generation of neutrino telescopes planed for the Mediterranean sea, lake Baikal and the South Pole provide an opportunity for new and common developments, beyond the already established technologies and methodology.
The workshop “Detector Design and Technology for Next Generation Neutrino Observatories”, taking place at the RWTH Aachen 8-10 December 2014, aims to bring together the international astroparticle physics community to facilitate a coherent effort towards the next generation of neutrino telescopes.
Of particular focus are technological and methodological developments to improve the prospects of neutrino detection from MeV to EeV energies. New light sensor concepts, optimized readout and communication electronics will be discussed, but also new surface air shower detectors for veto and cosmic-ray physics, ranging from air Cherenkov detectors to air shower detection using radio signal.
The workshop is organised by the Helmholtz Alliance for Astroparticle Physics and will bring together scientists across different astroparticle physics experiments, engeneers and industry representatives.
7 November 2014
Max Planck Gesellschaft – Lightning flashes from a black hole