Interview about the Gravitational Wave GW190521, detected by Virgo and LIGO, with Giovanni Losurdo
On 2 September the Virgo and LIGO collaborations published their discovery of the most massive Black Hole ever measured with Gravitational Waves. This is another huge milestone in the field of Gravitational Wave observations. The scientists observed the merging of two Black Holes of 66 and 85 solar masses, which generated a final Black Hole of around 142 solar masses. The particularity of this measurement and its impact on our understanding and knowledge of Black Holes will be explained to us by Giovanni Losurdo, spokesperson of the Virgo collaboration.
First of all congratulations to this new finding! Can you explain, why this observation is so unique?
This graphic shows the masses of black holes detected through electromagnetic observations (purple), black holes measured by gravitational-wave observations (blue), neutron stars measured with electromagnetic observations (yellow), and neutron stars detected through gravitational waves (orange). GW190521 is highlighted in the middle of the graphic as the merger of two black holes that produced a remnant that is the most massive black hole observed yet in gravitational waves. (Credit: LIGO-Virgo/ Northwestern U. / F. Elavsky & A. Geller )
Thank you! So far we knew two black hole families: the stellar black holes, with masses up to a few tens of solar masses (MS) and supermassive black holes (millions to billions MS). For the first time we have observed a so-called Intermediate Mass Black Hole in the range 100-1000 MS. This observation might be helpful to understand the origin of supermassive black holes and thus contribute to unveil one of the mysteries of our cosmos. And (what a happy coincidence!) while doing this interview we get the news about the Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez for the discovery of Sagittarius A, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, together with Roger Penrose for his theoretical contributions.
Not only the highest ever measured remnant Black Hole is special in this system but also the mass of one of the primary Black Holes. Can you tell us more about this?
Indeed, there was a black hole in the binary system which should not exist…And this is the second reason why this event is so special, which also makes it puzzling. A mass of 85 MS falls in the so-called pair instability gap, a very important phenomenon in determining the fate of massive stars. The core of such stars may become very hot, so hot that photons become energetic enough to produce electron-position pairs. They thus disappear and, consequently, the radiation pressure, which competes with gravity maintaining the core stable, is progressively weaker and the star collapses. In this kind of collapse, according to the stellar evolution theory, there is no way to form a black hole as big as 85 MS. So how did it form? In one of the papers published on GW190521we have studied possible formation mechanisms, but each of them requires conditions which are not very likely. In any case astrophysicists have to scratch their heads!
What are the astrophysical implications from this discovery?
A still image from a numerical simulation of two black holes that inspiral and merge, emitting gravitational waves. The black holes have large and nearly equal masses, with one only 3% more massive than the other. The simulated gravitational wave signal is consistent with the GW190521 observation made by the LIGO and Virgo. (Credit: N. Fischer, H. Pfeiffer, A. Buonanno (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics), Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes (SXS) Collaboration)
The LIGO and Virgo observations are unveiling the properties of binary system of stellar mass black holes. However, it is still an open question how binary black holes form and evolve; if they directly come from the evolution of an isolated binary systems of massive stars or if they are formed in dense environment, such as star clusters due to dynamical interactions. The properties of GW190521 signal lay the foundation for understanding its origin. The most plausible scenarios of formation of the two massive blackholes giving birth to the intermediate mass black hole are via multiple stellar coalescences, or via hierarchical mergers of lower-mass black holes in star clusters or in active galactic nuclei. The dynamical scenario is also supported by the mild evidence for precession found in the gravitational-wave signal.
Does this have any new implication on what we know on Dark Matter and Dark Energy?
Investigating the cosmos through gravitational waves may shed light on the 95% of the universe which we do not know yet.
For instance, the collapse of large overdensities in the early Universe might have directly formed so-called primordial black holes. Such black holes did not originate from stars, they did exist well before the stars. They are extremely interesting objects since their existence, if proved, could account for a fraction of the dark matter. In principle, it is possible that the binary components of GW190521 have a primordial origin, though this scenario is disfavored by the large spin of the primary black hole.
Moreover, detecting compact binary coalescences up to cosmological distances through gravitational waves provide an absolute distance scale measurement. The relation among gravitational wave distances and redshift carry the signature of the dark energy. Gravitational-wave detectors of 3rd generation, such as Einstein Telescope, will observe a larger redshift range ideal to investigate the nature of the dark energy and modifications of gravity on cosmological scales.
Do you expect to see more Black Hole mergers with these high masses?
Aerial view of the Virgo experiment. (Credits:Virgo Collaboration/EGO)
Virgo and LIGO are now being upgraded in order to increase the volume of universe they can explore and thus the event rate. In fact, we alternate observing runs to periods when we work on enhancing the sensitivity of the detectors. Moreover, the KAGRA detector will join the network in the next observing run starting in 2022. As the world wide gravitational wave network becomes more sensitive the event rate increases. And so we expect that, in the next run, we might observe more events of this kind together with new, unexpected ones.
Events with high mass occur at lower frequencies – where LIGO and Virgo are less sensitive – do you expect to be still able to measure even higher masses?
In principle as we improve the sensitivities of the detector we might be able to see events with mass even larger than GW190521. However, the real breakthrough towards higher masses will happen with Einstein Telescope, the third generation European project aiming to widen the Virgo bandwidth down to 1 Hz. Furthermore, ET will explore all the observable Universe increasing the probability to detect the merger of intermediate massive black-holes.
Giovanni Losurdo is a Research Director of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN). He has worked on the Virgo experiment since its early years, in the 1990s. From 2009 to 2017 he has been the Project Leader of Advanced Virgo, the interferometer enhancement program that made it possible, in August 2017, to contribute to the observation of the gravitational waves emitted in the merger of two neutron stars, an epochal discovery that initiated a totally new way of observing the cosmos: multi-messenger astronomy. He is now serving as Spokesperson of the Virgo Collaboration.
He won the Galilei Prize for Science and the Tartufari Prize for Physics and Chemistry from the Accademia dei Lincei. He was awarded by President Mattarella with the honor of “Commendatore dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana”. Since 2019 he is a member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
On 16 October REINFORCE (Research Infrastructures FOR citizens in Europe) organizes a webinar for potential citizen scientists, Gravitational Wave Astronomy researchers and academics, members of the physics and astronomy community and educators. The webinar aims to give an overview of the first of REINFORCE Large Scale Citizen Science demonstrators which are the key vehicles that the project will utilise in order to bring frontier science and society together, showcasing the issue that the citizens will be asked to help in solving, how this activity will be performed relying on Zooniverse resources and technologies, and how the sonification of data will allow to widen the spectrum of people potentially involved.
The sensitivity of Gravitational Waves detectors is limited by several types of noise, called glitches, whose presence affects the quality of the data. The glitches can have various origins, having a stationary nature (e.g. a noise signal with a stable frequency) or being transient on various timescales. In order to optimize and run the interferometers it is fundamental to identify the sources of noise and reduce or eliminate its origin.
In this framework, citizen scientists can play a fundamental role by looking at chunks of data and identify the presence of noise, creating the basis to train machine learning algorithms that will automatically recognize and isolate noise in GW data, thus providing a monitoring of the noise with an unprecedented detail. Citizen scientists’ support will be crucial also to isolate astrophysical signals that cannot easily be modeled with the general relativity equations, and whose shape is unknown, such as supernovae ones.
In REINFORCE, the citizen science activities will support the optimization of the Virgo detector, allowing citizens to learn the basics of GW detection techniques, and how the noise signals and GW signals look. One of the innovative aspects of the project is that it aims to include diverse and underrepresented groups in science, by providing them with tools to overcome specific barriers, such as the sonification of data for visually-impaired people.
Interview on the status of the Einstein Telescope with Michele Punturo and Frank Linde
During the last year the Einstein Telescope (ET) Collaboration was busy with the preparation for an ESFRI Roadmap proposal which was just submitted. This is an enormously important step for the realization of the project and was a lot of work for the whole collaboration. In this interview we will discuss with Michele Punturo and Frank Linde the status of the ET project and the way to its completion.
ET shall be one of the so-called 3rd generation Gravitational Wave (GW) observatories. Can you explain what characterizes this new generation and why we need such observatories?
Artist view of the Einstein Telescope. (Credits: ET Steering Committee)
Punturo: ET will be a 3rd generation GW observatory because it will have a sensitivity to GW signals by one order of magnitude better than the advanced detectors (Advanced Virgo and Advanced LIGO). This will reflect directly on the detection range, a factor 10 larger, and on the detection rate, approximately increased by a factor 1000. Furthermore, ET is designed to enhance the sensitivity at low frequency, below 10Hz, focusing the attention in this way on massive sources, like the intermediate-mass black holes, recently discovered by Advanced Virgo and Advanced LIGO in a coalescence of two stellar mass black holes (GW190521). ET will be able access the entire population of stellar mass and intermediate mass black holes over the entire history of the Universe. All these characteristics will allow ET to explore for the first time the Universe through gravitational waves along its cosmic history up to the cosmological dark ages, shedding light on open questions of fundamental physics and cosmology. It will probe the physics near black-hole horizons (from tests of general relativity to quantum gravity), help understanding the nature of dark matter (such as primordial BHs, axion clouds, dark matter accreting on compact objects), and the nature of dark energy and possible modifications of general relativity at cosmological scales. ET will observe the neutron-star inspiral phase and the onset of tidal effects with high signal-to-noise ratio providing an unprecedented insight into the interior structure of neutron stars and probing fundamental properties of matter in a completely unexplored regime. In order to accomplish all these targets, ET needs to develop and implement new technologies in optics and optoelectronics (mirrors, quantum optics, fiber lasers, …), new materials (test masses in Silicon, optical coatings, …), cryogenic plants, precision mechanics for seismic filtering, system control and noise suppression. ET will need a new large infrastructure, located underground in a quiet location, in order to mitigate the seismic and environmental noise.
How would you describe the current status of the ET project?
Punturo: We realised the ET conceptual design few years ago and the development of the ET enabling technologies is already started thanks to a series of European and international grants. The 9th of September 2020 we submitted the ET proposal for the 2021 update of the ESFRI roadmap, the major European roadmap describing the most important research infrastructures for the next decades. Currently we are working on the detailed design of the infrastructure and of the detectors, developing the technologies and characterising the two sites identified for ET, one in Sardinia, Italy and one in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion across the border between Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands. Furthermore, we are strengthening the ET collaboration, attracting groups and competences from the GW scientific community and from the neighbouring communities. In fact, multi-disciplinarity is one of the major characteristics of the GW research.
What is already ongoing on preparations, R&D-projects and site characterization projects for both possible sites in Sardinia and the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion?
Simulation of gravitational waves caused by merging neutron stars. (Credits: R. Hurt/Caltech-JPL)
Punturo: As mentioned before, ET needs to develop new technologies to achieve its target sensitivity. In particular, we need lasers operating at different wavelength with respect to the one adopted in advanced detectors; since we will operate at cryogenic temperature, we need to produce low noise cryogenic plants, new materials (e.g. Silicon at low temperature instead of Silica) for the ET mirrors, new optical coatings, new ways to suspend that complex optical systems, filtering the seismic vibrational noise. Different groups in Europe are developing these technologies, but the ET collaboration is totally open to new contributions.
For the site characterisation we defined a common platform of requirements and parameters to be tested in the two sites, in order to have a complete and efficient comparison.
We are investigating the Sardinia as possible site for ET since the very beginning of the ET Design Study, about 10 years ago. Seismic, magnetic and acoustic sensors have been installed at different depth in the Sos Enattos mine, close to Lula (Nuoro); this mine is unused but still maintained in safe and accessible conditions. Sardinia is one of the most quiet regions in Europe in terms of natural seismic noise, geological stability and anthropic noise. This has been confirmed by very recent studies, that qualify the site of Sos Enattos as one of the quietest 40 sites in the world (in the frequency range of interest for ET). With the support of the Sardinia local government (3,5M€) an underground laboratory (SarGrav) is under realisation, to be used as seed for ET and for research activities in a quiet environment. The entire area around the Sos Enattos site is under investigation and a set of boreholes is under preparation to fully characterise the vertices of the ET site. These investigations are possible through a grant of about 18M€ provided by the Italian government, addressed to the candidature of the site. French and Polish groups are collaborating to the site characterisation. A consortium of national research institution, open and evolving toward a more international configuration is collaborating to the candidature of the site. We also evaluated the social and economic impact of the ET infrastructure in Sardinia, thanks to a very detailed study realised by the University of Sassari (ET-0008A-20,
Model of the ETpathfinder. (Credits: Marco Kraan, Nikhef)
Linde: Regarding the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion, seismic studies (passive & active campaigns as well as drill holes) have started in 2017. Since May 2019 a seismic sensor at 250 meters depth is continuously monitoring the ambient seismic noise. Results to date are near the desired Einstein Telescope specifications. Supported by a large (15 M€) Interreg-EMR grant (‘E-TEST’) more detailed seismic studies will be performed by a multi-disciplinary consortium including various expert geology and seismic research groups and institutes in Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands. By 2023 E-TEST should culminate in an optimal siting of ET in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion.
Regarding instrumentation, the focus is on ‘ETpathfinder’, a 14,5 M€ Interreg Vlaanderen-Nederland project, to realize a laser-interferometer R&D laboratory in Maastricht – home of an entirely new gravitational-waves research group – aimed at a key innovation: the use of cryogenic (10-20 K) silicon mirrors as test masses. The ETpathfinder consortium welcomes any institute/individual to join.
Apart from these research-oriented activities, an ‘Impact assessment of the Einstein Telescope’ was published by Technopolis (see and Implenia published a report on the civil engineering and cost aspects of the Einstein Telescope. Substantial activity is invested in setting up collaborations with (regional) industrial partners. Not only because we need (high-tech) industry to realize major parts of the Einstein Telescope but also because eventual national pledges towards building the Einstein Telescope will require a balanced return of investments.
You just submitted an ESFRI Roadmap proposal. How does this connect with the future of the whole project?
Punturo: The ET proposal, submitted to the ESFRI roadmap, is supported by a team of five countries (Belgium, Poland, Spain, The Netherlands) leaded by Italy and the ET consortium is signed by about 40 institutions (national funding agencies, National Research Institutions and Universities) belonging also to France, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Switzerland and United Kingdom. This is a great starting point for the preparation and the realisation of the ET infrastructure. We need a real pan-European alliance to realise ET and probably it will evolve toward a so-called Global Research Infrastructure, as soon as the future of the companion project, Cosmic Explorer, in the USA, will be more defined.
Where do you consider the biggest challenges on the way to the realisation of ET?
The Einstein Telescope is designed as a triangle of long tunnels, spanning 10 km each. It will be located 200-300m underground. (Credits: Thijs Balder, Nikhef)
There are different kind of challenges:
Technological challenges: We need to gain a factor of ten of sensitivity with respect to the advanced detectors, that are already the most sensitive “sensor” ever realised, capable to measure vibrations having an amplitude spectral density at 100Hz of about 10-20m·Hz-1/2. Going down in sensitivity and in frequency, the list of disturbances that can spoil the sensitivity, becomes longer and longer and it will be a real challenge to realise, implement and tune all the new apparatuses needed in ET.
Challenges in the realisation of the civil infrastructures: We want to realise an infrastructure comparable in size and in difficulty with very few large research infrastructures in the World, but the ET requirements in terms of environmental noise are terribly stringent.
To support and realise ET we need a collaboration definitely larger than the current LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA community. The realisation and the governance of a so large community and a so large observatory are a large social and management challenge.
Finally, the most challenging target is to attract enough financial resources, stimulate political interest and international cohesion to fund ET. European governments and institutions have demonstrated, in the recent history, many difficulties to have a common strategy; The challenge of such a high funding, unprecedented in the APP community, can be achieved through strong intergovernamental cooperation and solid design strategy to avoid competition but foster synergy between partners.
Part of your process is a Letter of Intent which should constitute the basis of the ET collaboration. Is this part already finalized or is there still the possibility to sign?
Punturo: The ET Letter of Intent is the first embryo of the ET consortium agreement and like all the embryos it is fully open to the evolution and to the grown. 41 institutions signed the ET Letter of Intent, many more will sign the ET consortium agreement.
Michele Punturo is Director of Research at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Perugia, Italy). He worked at CERN, in CP violation experiments (NA31, NA48) and then in Virgo, having the role of Detector Coordinator and of Computing coordinator. He proposed and coordinated the ET design study project in 2008-2011, coordinated the ELiTES project 2012-2017, addressed to exchange technologies and researcher between the ET and the Japanese KAGRA experiment and now is co-chairing the ET steering committee.
Frank Linde
Frank Linde is professor of experimental high-energy physics –elementary particle physics– at the University of Amsterdam. He has worked on experiments at large particle accelerators such as LEP (Z and W bosons) and LHC (discovery of the Higgs boson) at CERN (Geneva). From 2004 to 2014 he was director of the National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Nikhef). In 2015-2016 he was APPEC (Astroparticle Physics European Consortium) chair. Since 2017 he leads gravitational-waves research at Nikhef. Linde has extensive hands-on and managerial experience with large scientific research infrastructures.
A still image from a numerical simulation of two black holes that inspiral and merge, emitting gravitational waves. The simulated gravitational wave signal is consistent with the GW190521 observation made by the LIGO and Virgo. (Credit: N. Fischer, H. Pfeiffer, A. Buonanno (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics), Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes (SXS) Collaboration)
Virgo and LIGO have announced the detection of an extraordinarily massive merging binary system: two black holes of 66 and 85 solar masses, which generated a final black hole of around 142 solar
masses. The remnant black hole is the most massive ever detected with gravitational waves. It lies in a range of mass (from 100 to 1000 solar masses) within which a black hole has never before been
observed, either via gravitational waves or electromagnetic observations, and may help to explain the formation of supermassive black holes. Moreover, the most massive component of the binary
system lies in a mass range forbidden by stellar evolution theory and challenges our understanding of the final stages of massive stars life.
The nature of dark matter (DM), an invisible substance which constitutes 85% of matter in the observable universe, is one of the greatest puzzles in cosmology and astroparticle physics today. The most compelling and simplest solution is that DM is made of a new type of fundamental particle, not yet observed due to its incredibly feeble interaction with visible matter. The XENON collaboration produced world-leading results in the hunt for dark matter with the XENON1T detector and was just beginning to assemble the upgrade, XENONnT, when Covid-19 hit the world. This article describes the remarkable work done by some members of the collaboration to build XENONnT during Covid-19 times.
The XENON collaboration, a group of about 160 scientists from Europe, the USA and Asia, builds ultra-sensitive detectors with the aim of observing particle DM via scatters with atomic nuclei or electrons in a large volume of liquid xenon, kept cold at -95 °C. These detectors are based on the two-phase time projection chamber (TPC) technique, where the tiny light and charge signals released when a particle crosses the detector is observed. The measurement of the deposited energy and of the interaction position allows for the rejection of the majority of background events from radioactivity, maximizing the chance of observing ultra-rare interactions as predicted from DM.
The latest experiment in the XENON family was XENON1T, which operated 3.2 tons of liquid xenon in total, with 2 tons viewed by two arrays of photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), until the end of 2018 at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) of INFN in Italy. This experiment reached the lowest background ever observed in a direct DM detection experiment, and set the strongest constraints on the interaction cross section of DM particles with nucleons above particle masses of about 85 MeV/c2 [PRL 121, 2018, PRL 123, 2019]. It also observed for the first time the two neutrino double electron capture process in 124-Xe with a half-life of 1.8 x 1022 years – the slowest process ever observed directly [Nature, Volume 568, April 2019]. Recently XENON1T reported an exciting excess of events in the low-energy region, which might be due to Tritium beta-decays, but could also be a hint for solar axions or other new physics beyond the Standard Model.
The XENONnT detector is an upgrade to XENON1T, with an increase of the active mass by a factor of three (8.3 tons of liquid xenon in total, with 5.9 tons in the TPC). While XENONnT will utilise much of the infrastructure built for XENON1T, it will operate a new TPC equipped with 494 PMTs and a neutron veto (based on Gd-loaded water) contained within the existing water Cherenkov muon veto. It will also feature a new liquid xenon purification system, as well as a radon distillation column, among other vital sub-systems.
The assembly during this challenging times was only possible due to the excellent management of the crisis and the support by LNGS, especially it’s director, Prof. Stefano Ragazzi and other members of the laboratory. The LNGS director imposed at all times very adequate and reasonable rules to minimize risks, following the general evolution of the crisis. This included adequately growing access restrictions and very strict rules for any work to be performed. The XENON collaboration followed these rules very carefully and asked over some time daily for permission of very careful chosen next steps, performed by a team of decreasing size.
Covid-19 started in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and it seemed very far away and not relevant. On February 21 first cases were detected in the Milano area and the Italian government implemented red zones in the Lombardy region and in the Veneto area already on February 22. When the first Covid-19 cases appeared in Italy in mid February 2020, the TPC crew at LNGS was close to start assembling the detector components in a clean room (CR) above ground. The assembly work started February 24, and was completed in record time, about a week later.
On March 3, Bergamo became a red zone, expanded on March 7 to a large part of northern Italy and on March 10 to all of Italy. Within a rather short time life had changed drastically including life and work at LNGS. On March 5, the carefully packaged TPC was transported to the underground (UG) site with a dedicated low-vibration truck and an experienced driver. The goal was to minimize vibrations as much as possible during the short but potentially dangerous journey. On March 8 it was announced that only LNGS personnel will be allowed to access the above ground facilities. The Covid-19 related lockdown in Italy was issued on March 9. UG work was also strongly restricted to essential or urgent operations starting on March 10. The XENON collaboration performed in this phase well prepared steps involving a decreasing number of people who stayed at LNGS. From some moment on all steps were reviewed and approved by the LNGS director on a daily basis. Nonetheless, the work UG continued, for the TPC had to be inserted in the inner cryostat vessel, cabled and connected to the cryogenic systems, flushed with gaseous nitrogen to reduce radon plate-out etc. All these delicate operations and the following initial detector commissioning could be successfully completed with the help of a small group of people who was willing to work very flexible under very special conditions.
On March 20 first Covid-19 cases were found in Paganica close to LNGS where a number of the XENON team members were living. Some group members left at this time as planned. Others stayed even though their group leaders asked them to leave LNGS if they feel uneasy or endangered. A number of them stayed and carefully minimized risk as much as possible. The XENON collaboration owes all of those who worked under these conditions a lot and it is to a large extend their achievement that we have now a detector which is already in commissioning phase. Currently – as of summer 2020 – the XENONnT detector is well under commissioning at LNGS – with first light being observed in the gaseous xenon phase and full operation expected in the next months.
In the following, members of this team describe this challenging and stressful experience. Due to their dedication and willingness to remain on site while most others left, the XENONnT TPC was successfully installed UG, the necessary tests completed and the commissioning phase could start. This allowed the collaboration to see first light in the PMT arrays only a few weeks later. It is very interesting to hear the stories from some of these team members, since this shows the growing restrictions, the dedication of the team members, the adjustments necessary to complete such an operation in the very challenging Covid-19 situation.
CHIARA CAPELLI (PhD, UZH) – Assembly of the TPC
February 24 (and before) to March 5
I came to LNGS around the middle of February, to start preparing the components I had to take care and to participate in the assembly of the TPC. It was a moment of general excitement. Finally after intensive months (actually years) the collaboration was ready to start assembling the XENONnT detector. All the pieces had been designed and the required materials had been selected, manufactured and cleaned, in a process involving many research groups, and lots of people, around the world. In order to construct an experiment to search for an extremely rare interaction, any radioactive isotope (that may produce an interaction and thus mimic the shape of the signal we are looking for) has to be avoided. For this reason, all the TPC components have been shipped to LNGS where people like Stefan Bruenner (Postdoc, MPIK/Nikhef), Arianna Rocchetti (PhD, Freiburg), Jacques Pienaar (Postdoc, Chicago) and Junji Naganoma (researcher, LNGS) among many others, take care of cleaning and storing all components in air controlled environments before being installed. Despite how easy this may sound, this is an incredible difficult task. Each material and each component has to be treated in a unique manner, and it requires an incredible organizational effort and an even larger manpower availability. It is definitely not what people usually imagine a physicist job is 😉
The Wednesday night team, 4th March, the day before TPC transportation: in the cleanroom as soon as the TPC was ready and bagged to go UG (left) and afterward outside the cleanroom (right). Right picture from the left, Arianna Rocchetti (Freiburg), Riccardo Biondi (Aquila U.), Jacques Pienaar (UChicago), Chiara Capelli (Zurich) and Luisa Hötzsch (MPIK).
In my case, I came to LNGS to install optical fibers, used for internal light PMT calibration. When I arrived at the airport in Rome there was a queue for letting people in after a thermal body-scan. I remember there was already the news of a virus spreading in China and a few cases around the world but I didn’t think it could affect us in such a way, and definitely I couldn’t imagine the whole Europe under lockdown. I was lucky enough (or not, depending on how you want to see it) to also help in several other tasks (i.e., built the main structure of the TPC, screw the internal reflective PTFE panels, and fix the field shaping copper wires and rings around the TPC). We were all working very hard those days, where we frequently skipped lunch and worked until late night. We finished installing the fibers on Sunday night, March 1st and transportation of the assembled TPC to the underground facilities of the laboratory had been scheduled for next Thursday, March 5th, where still several things had to be done before.
I clearly remember Wednesday, March 4th. There were still quite few things to do in a day, so we started early. In order to work in an air controlled environment, we needed to be inside a clean-room (CR). Working in a CR can be fascinating the first 15 minutes, just the time to start sweating in the suit and breathing badly behind the mask. Taking breaks is also annoying as it means you have to follow the procedure to undress and dress again in a safe way (safe=clean). That evening we knew we couldn’t go home until the TPC was closed in a protective bag ready to be transported. It was getting late, we were all extremely tired and starting to get nervous. As in real life, building the most sensitive detector is not always a love story, and we encountered several problems we had to overcome (I understand now the famous “problem solving” skills we tend to claim on our CVs…). Despite all and everything, we managed it! In fact, we never considered any other possibility but succeeding! 😀
Part of the XENONnT crew next to the assembled TPC, properly bagged for the transportation underground. Right picture from the left: bottom row, Danilo Tatananni (LNGS), Petr Shagin (Rice), Adam Brown (Zurich), Junji Naganoma (LNGS), Luca Grandi (Chicago); middle row, Luisa Hötzsch (MPIK), Arianna Rocchetti (Freiburg), Chiara Capelli (Zurich), Yu-Chin Chen (Tokyo), Marcello Messina (LNGS), Riccardo Biondi (Aquila U.), Masatoshi Kobayashi (Kamioka-Columbia), Francesco Lombardi (Coimbra), Giovanni Volta (Zurich), Roberto Corrieri (LNGS); top row Shayne Reichard (Zurich) , Jacques Pienaar (UChicago), Michael Murra (Münster).
GIOVANNI VOLTA (UZH) – Cabling operation and underground TPC operation
March 4 to March 13
Adam Bown (UZH) and I left from Zurich towards LNGS the afternoon of March 4th. The Coronavirus spread was still localized in Lombardy, but worry had already started spreading everywhere: the plane was almost empty and everyone was a bit sceptical. At that point, I must admit I was not worried at all, I tended to believe that everything was an exaggerated reaction. That same evening, when arriving to LNGS, we went directly UG (TPC transportation had already been scheduled for next morning, and cable test had to be finished beforehand). We tested the electrical connection of almost 15 km of cables, going from the XENON facility building to inside the water-tank where the TPC is connected). Moreover, cables had to be sorted and organized from the water tank side, for the TPC arrival. We worked all night long, where our own excitement kept us awake (our main goal was close to be achieved and, then, all our efforts potentially rewarded). It is difficult to give credit to all the people that had contributed to this effort, but to list a few, at least, Alessandro Manfredini (UZH) and Josè Cuenca (KIT).
Chiara Capelli and Giovanni Volta inside the clean room underground, inside the water tank, during the cable testing inside the water tank.
Transportation went smooth and, by the end of the week, TPC had been successfully lifted and installed under the XENONnT dome, everything enclosed into another clean room UG. This was already a great achievement and, in order to celebrate it, we organized a dinner the evening of Friday 6th. This was the day everything changed, where all north Italy was declared a red zone, Coronavirus cases were being found everywhere, and regulations around Italy and the rest of the world were getting more restrictive on a daily basis. I guess we all got a bit scared, scared about the virus, scared about not being able to go home, and… also scared about XENONnT and our TPC that was not properly protected yet…
In order to have our TPC safe from contaminants, we wanted to lift and close the XENONnT inner vessel (a stainless steel cryostat that would enclose the whole TPC and the cryogenic instrumentation of XENONnT could reduce the air concentration within the TPC by over 10 orders of magnitude with respect to ambient air concentration). Just few seconds of exposure to normal air would throw away all the work done, with potentially irreversible consequences. There is no easy way back after having closed the inner-cryostat, and hence many things had to be connected and tested beforehand, in order to give green light to proceed. I believe that it was around this point when we started realizing that our health could also be compromised, and despite a rational decision would have been to quit, we didn’t give up. We cared too much about this experiment, and we had invested too much time and effort on it to let it go without fighting. The situation at the lab (and on Earth) was so uncertain that it was unclear what the next day could happen or when something/someone would block us.We wanted to give it a try, at least. Now looking backwards, one sees how lucky we were in some aspects, but definitely, what made the difference is how prepared we were for that moment. We had been working hard to get here, and all this preparation and knowledge allowed us to solve problems and make progress under the most adverse circumstances, until finally lifting and closing the inner cryostat.
I’ve been thinking about it since then, now that a few weeks have already passed and after all the great feedback we got from our colleagues and bosses. It is not that I have a super clear opinion about it, but I do know that we were not heros nor brave. Instead, I tend to think we were more kind of foolish and irresponsible people. We really care about what we do and, it is especially during these hard days of group work, where everyone is pushing towards the same directions, where things get really intense and emotional. We, as most of us did, underestimated the impact of Coronavirus and luckily, we have nothing to regret about now. After evaluating the general situation (health care, personal situation and governmental indications), some of us decided to remain isolated at the lab, and wait for things to improve. Having closed the inner-cryostat may look like a simple action, not worth taking all this risk for it, but it may also very well be that with our effort, we managed to deliver an instrument that may change our understanding of Nature for days to come.
Friday March 13 was the day we managed to lift the inner cryostat, finally closing the XENONnT TPC into a controlled environment. I remember it was sometime in the afternoon (being UG, is very difficult to keep track of the time, since there is no light change during sunset or sunrise) and I was inside the XENONnT water tank, ready for the operation of lifting the inner cryostat, waiting for instructions from our colleagues inside the underground CR (literally on top of us). The lifting operation, by itself, is not long nor complicated. The main problem is getting ready for it. Weeks of work and maintenance operations are needed in order to get all the areas and tools ready, which reduces the chances of contaminating the TPC with any external background, which would be fatal for the lifetime of the experiment. Even in terms of manpower, getting properly dressed takes a few minutes and then, the stupidest operation (i.e., going to the toilet) becomes a small nightmare. I remember the cold of that moment, the sound of air blowing from the air system, the tension on everyone. I was absolutely exhausted. The rhythm of the last weeks and months had been increasingly high, culminating in that week that was about to finish (and the COVID situation had not made things easier).
I must admit that on the previous Monday, March 9, I was still laughing at all this virus situation. It is true that the general atmosphere at the lab had changed quite a lot, but I was still quite reluctant about the whole panic. It was around Tuesday 10th, when Luca Grandi (the responsible of the TPC integration) informed all of us that all Italy had become a single red zone (what meant that COVID restrictions now applied to all Italy in the same way). It was weird to realize that individual freedom had suddenly changed, and we were not allowed to go out any more. My first 2 thoughts were whether I should tell my family (living in Barcelona) and whether I should go shopping the very next day (fearing that there could be some sort of food shortage). I did none of the two, as I was trying to contribute the least to the general panic spread.
Next morning, Wednesday, March 11, we all met at the laboratory as we were every morning doing. That morning everyone was particularly quieter, more than usual. We all showed up wearing masks and gloves (we have easy access to this kind of equipment, as it is commonly used in all our CRs). We were told by Luca Grandi that bars and restaurants had been closed, and that soon after, hotels would do so as well (what would be a problem for several of us, temporarily staying in a Hotel close to the lab). He also encouraged us to go shopping that same morning, if needed, since the day was expected to be long and would presumably finish late enough such that stores would be already closed. I guess that was the first day people started showing some concerns and/or fear about the whole COVID thing. There was no huge discussion about it, on the contrary, people remained rather quiet. I guess most of us were willing to continue, to pursue further, but foreign people being abroad on a trip to LNGS, started to be concerned on their way back.
Thursday, March 12 in the morning was already like living in a different world. The lab was absolutely empty. I stayed above ground all morning (had been UG for the last days) waiting for news from the people working in the underground CR. It was a sunny, warm and beautiful day, but it was easy to grasp people’s concerns in their faces. I was in my office, waiting with Roberto Corrieri (the XENONnT GLIMOS – our safety officer) and Mike Clark (Purdue U.), where we were just waiting for instructions from people UG. I had the feeling that Roberto had been in a bad mood all the previous week. It was then, after seeing how things had developed internationally, I understood better what Roberto had been going through the past days. I realised then that none of us, but Roberto, had understood by then what was going on, and what was about to come. Roberto had been following the news for the last few weeks, and as an Italian, as the XENON GLIMOS but, mostly, as our friend, he was definitely worried about all of us. It was in his XENON role to protect us, but he was doing more than that.
Picture of the XENONnT inner cryostat closed. Underground CR has been already removed and reflective water tank walls are visible all around.
Friday march 13 I had woken up at 3:00 am, and drove Mike Clark and Michael Murra (Muenster U) to the Airport. Both had booked their flight ticket the day before. It is about 1 hour and 30 minutes drive, and you need to drive all around Rome, however, the highway was absolutely empty. We barely talked on the way there and the airport was full of police and military men.
Coming back on Friday afternoon, inside the water tank and right below the CR… I could hear Danilo Tatananni’s (cryogenic expert LNGS) voice, however not loud enough to understand what he was saying. Danilo is our cryogenic expert, he is BY FAR the most skilled person to operate and manipulate the XENONnT detector. Any installation, maintenance or modification of the system is supervised by Danilo, and the TPC installation was not an exception. So here I was, a Friday afternoon UG, dressed on a clean suit, after having slept 3 hours, hearing Danilo’s voice giving instructions to the rest of the members inside the CR, and waiting for Danilo’s green light to lift the inner vessel, where I suddenly felt incredibly tired (all the accumulated stress from the previous days came suddenly over me). My eyes were closing against my will and I decided to have some sleep assuming I would be woken up when operation should start. It is DEFINITELY NOT within cleanliness standards to touch with your clean suit any floor or wall, as you may be contaminating your suit however, since I was not supposed to work next to the TPC, I decided to bend over that rule and crushed a few minutes sitting on the structure supporting the inner cryostat (that was still waiting to be lifted).
After the operation was finished, one of the people I was willing to inform first was Stefan Brünner (Nihkef), an expert on gas purity on ultra-low radioactive environments. Over the last 12 months, Stefan had been pushing the limits of his own, and the rest of the XENON team, to achieve the lowest impurity level for the XENONnT detector. Removing traces of contaminants is not a simple task. You cannot clean a ~200 kg TPC all at once. Not only the optimal materials had been selected over the last 5 years, but over the last 12 months, each of the individual components had been treated, cleaned, and accordingly stored until the assembly. TPC had been successfully assembled nearly 2 weeks ago, but this didn’t mean his concerns were over since air exposure was still a potential danger. I guess that if someone finally had some rest that night, after closing the inner vessel, it had to be Stefan.
Danilo Tatananni (LNGS) – XENONnT cryogenic work
March 14 to April 12
Picture of the 3 XENON members UG during the Italian lock down. From left to right: Danilo Tatananni (LNGS), Joaquim Palacio (MPIK) and Masatoshi Kobayashi (Columbia).
The days to come after the inner cryostat was closed were much easier, as for the first time over the last weeks time was not against us. News of COVID cases around l’Aquila were reported and the collaboration gave clear instructions to leave the laboratory. We had some chatting among us, the XENON members present at LNGS, and we encouraged all foreign members present at LNGS to return home and only ‘local’ people (living at driving distance from the lab, as is my case) should remain. For this next phase of the experiment, I was closely working with Masatoshi Kobayashi, a Japanese colleague expert on cryogenics that did his PhD in the Kamioka Laboratory and is now at Columbia University. Masa had been at LNGS for the last 7 months, and kept working on the TPC assembling and installation until inner cryostat was closed. Masa had decided to stay at LNGS during the pandemia spread, and it was only after Japan authorities made public they planned to close Japan borders, Masa started to consider to return to Japan. During the days to come, we followed and periodically analyzed the evolution of the instrument while being in very strong vacuum conditions. The evolution of the residual gasses released during these first days under vacuum tell us about the properties of the TPC. First gasses to be released come from the surfaces for the components of the TPC were, as days goes on, gasses trapped within the pores from the bulk of materials are released (it is like reconstructing backwards the assembly history of the TPC, and being able to evaluate the successfulness of the work done during the last year). I had the impression it was very hard for Masa to make up his mind, as a compromise between his care for the experiment and his colleagues, international health care advice not to spread further the virus, and of course personal matters related to his family. Needless to say, we all supported the idea that Masa should go home, and on Friday, March 27, he flew to Japan (the day before Japan authorities would actually close the border). He was stuck for 48 hours at Tokyo’s airport and was tested negative of COVID19. He still stayed locked down into the closest hotel room to his parents place before he finally joined his family. Funnily enough, collaborations between Japan and Europe are rather good, since work/sleep time is easily adjustable to provide 24h coverage on the experiment. Masatoshi and I kept interacting on a daily basis until April 12, where his availability on internet rapidly dropped (probably due to bad internet connection at his parents place…).
These impressions by members of the team which assembled XENONnT during the peak of the Covid-19 crisis show how difficult and challenging the work was. “The completed XENONnT detector will now allow us to soon probe exciting new territory where we might see dark matter or other new physics”, says Laura Baudis, (UZH), one of the leading members of XENON. Manfred Lindner, (MPIK), Co-Spokesperson of the XENON Collaboration, adds “XENONnT tests the most plausible parameter space where WIMPs, top candidates for the Dark Matter, could be found. The collaboration is very grateful to the team which assembled XENONnT during these difficult times. They put us into a leading position in the race towards understanding what dark matter is”.
Interview on Gravitational Waves Expression of Interest with Tetyana Galatyuk and Paolo Pani
In response to the JENAS call the Gravitational Wave Community prepared an open Expression of Interest on “Gravitational Wave Probes of Fundamental Physics”. Already two weeks after the announcement, the list of endorses counted over 500 people. Tetyana Galatyuk and Paolo Pani, who played a key role in the writing and submission, will explain in this interview the aims and ideas of the EoI.
Can you briefly describe how the idea of this EoI came about?
Tetyana: The landmark detection of gravitational waves has opened a new era in physics, giving access to hitherto unexplored systems. In parallel to their countless astrophysical applications, these discoveries open new avenues to explore fundamental physics in many different aspects at both theoretical and experimental level. In this context, the two of us have been independently involved in efforts to diversify our own communities and strengthen the synergies between different subfields, for example by serving as coordinators of sub-working groups of the COST Action GWverse and as speaker of the Topic Cosmic Matter in the Laboratory (CML) within Helmholtz Program „Materie und Universum“. Recently, we have been approached by Prof. Gianfranco Bertone, who proposed to prepare a JENAS Eol as a way to extend and formalize the synergies among different communities.
Paolo: The idea and the themes of the Eol emerged very naturally, since for some time there has been an underlying feeling that different communities working at the interface between astroparticle, nuclear, and gravitational physics would have enormously benefit from a stronger interaction between each other. In particular, current and future gravitational-wave detections can provide an answer to long-standing open problems in fundamental physics, such as the behaviour of matter under extreme conditions, the nature and phenomenology of dark matter and dark energy, the existence of new fundamental fields, the nature of black-holes, and the quest for possible extensions of Einstein’s General Relativity. Some of these problems are cross-cutting among different disciplines and require new developments at theoretical and experimental level.
Tetyana: Given the current state of affairs, our communities are often exploring related problems from different perspectives and could benefit from a common platform to share ideas and expertise. Our goal is to create such a platform, boost current synergies, and explore new ones.
Paolo: We aim to establish a “meta-community” that can embrace different, more specific fields, while at the same time offering a platform for young researchers to be trained and a multidisciplinary visiting program across Europe.
Marginalized posterior for the tidal deformabilities Λ_i of the two binary components of GW170817, the first binary neutron-star event detected by LIGO/Virgo. Smaller Λ_i correspond to more compact stars and, in turn, to a softer equation of state. From Abbott+ Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 161101 (2018)
How do you envision achieving these aims?
Paolo: First of all, we need to build/consolidate a cross-cutting community. In order to achieve that, we envise organizing a kick-off meeting to get the many scientists who expressed interest in this Eol involved and to discuss with them the best actions. A core part of our proposal will be the training of a new generation of researchers working at the interface between different fields, and this will require another core aspect: the organization of visiting programs that have been proved to be highly beneficial to create synergies among different fields.
Tetyana: A concrete outcome will be the creation and maintenance of a webpage, including a repository to share codes, tools and other data that can be useful in interdisciplinary studies, e.g., state-of-the-art equations of state, observational/experimental data, numerical codes, analytic methods and waveforms models, data-analysis tools, cosmological models.
JENAS was a joint effort from the Particle, Astroparticle and Nuclear Physics Community, how are these three communities represented in your EoI?
Paolo: We precisely aim to foster synergies among different communities, in particular astroparticle, atomic, nuclear, high-energy, and gravitational physics, cosmology, and GW and multi-messenger astronomy.
Tetyana: Given these are the main topics of the APPEC, ECFA and NuPECC, it was just natural to respond to the JENAS call with this Eol.
Group picture from JENAS-2019.
How could APPEC, ECFA and NuPECC support you?
Paolo: We believe the three consortia can play a key role in our joint initiative. Their support is clearly essential to reach out to all interested colleagues in Europe, and to establish, in a series of kick-off meetings, a forum where particle, astroparticle, and nuclear physicists can meet and identify synergies among different communities, as well as innovative strategies to explore fundamental physics with gravitational waves.
Tetyana: In the medium and long term, we hope that APPEC, ECFA and NuPPEC can help us secure financial support for meetings and for the consolidation of the community, both at EU level and with national agencies.
Are you already planning concrete steps for the near future?
Tetyana: We believe that the most urgent action is to secure funds to kick-start the activities listed in the Eol. We plan in particular to apply for a new COST action.
Paolo: COST actions are particularly interesting as a funding instrument for us, as they have proven to be extremely successful in supporting large scientific networks in Europe, as demonstrated by the related actions GWverse and PHAROS. We will soon reach out to the community to coordinate the submission of the COST Action proposal.
Tetyana Galatyuk is Group Leader “QCD Matter Research” in the department HADES at GSI and Full Professor of Experimental hadron- and nuclear physics at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Darmstadt. In 2012 she was awarded a Helmholtz Young Investigator Group “Exploring Quark Matter with VIrtual Photons” to study the phase structures of strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions of temperature and density using high-energy heavy-ion collisions and became a Junior Professor at TU Darmstadt. She is the recipient of the 2013 Röntgen-Preis, of the 2009 Preis der Freunde und Förderer der Universität Frankfurt. Her main research topics are the dilepton and hadron spectroscopy with hadron and heavy-ion beams, phenomenology of electromagnetic radiation from heavy-ion collisions, detector instrumentation.
Paolo Pani
Paolo Pani is Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics at Sapienza, University of Rome (Italy). He is Junior Fellow at Sapienza’s School for Advanced Studies and member of the Scientific Committee of the Amaldi Research Center for gravitational physics. He coordinates the ERC project DarkGRA (“Unveiling the dark universe with gravitational waves”) and other national projects. He received the SIGRAV Prize and the Outstanding Referee award from the American Physics Society. He is co-author of the book “Superradiance” and of over 100 scientific publications on black-hole physics and gravitational-wave phenomenology, and their connections to fundamental physics.
Neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) is a crucial process in particle physics and cosmology. It can be conceived as an inclusive test of “creation of leptons” (leptons are produced with no counterpart in terms of antileptons, and lepton number violation occurs) and, more generally, as “creation of matter” (particles are produced with no counterpart in terms of antiparticles).
The observation of 0νββ is a big challenge: we need to find single events in a ton × year of exposure. Its signal corresponds to less than 10-13 Bq/g, while in normal life we are confronted with 15 Bq/banana! If from one side 0νββ is an extremely rare process, on the other one its signature is extremely clear and unambiguous: scientists need to find a peak in the spectrum of the total energy deposited in the detector by the two emitted electrons. The expected position of the peak is known with better than 0.1% accuracy.
Enriched Li2MoO4 crystal coupled to its Ge light detector (top); the CUPID-Mo detector installed inside the EDELWEISS cryostat at LSM (bottom). Credit: CUPID-Mo
The CUPID-Mo experiment, which has just completed the data taking at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (France), is a demonstrator for CUPID, the next-generation upgrade of the first ton-scale cryogenic 0νββ-search, CUORE.
At the recent Neutrino2020 virtual conference, the Collaboration has presented a new world-leading limit for 0νββ decay of 100Mo, one of the most promising isotopes for this search (Poster).
CUPID-Mo is composed by an array of 20 enriched ~0.2 kg Li2MoO4 crystals corresponding to 2.3 kg of 100Mo. The detectors were operated at ~20 mK under the Frejus mountain at a depth of 4800 m.w.e. sharing the EDELWEISS dilution refrigerator.
The CUPID-Mo Collaboration managed to combine the scintillating bolometer technique with an appropriate choice of the nucleus and of the crystal to obtain the exceptional background noise rejection necessary to search for 0νββ of 100Mo with unprecedented sensitivity.
20 enriched Li2MoO4 crystals in their copper case. Credits: CUPID-Mo
When a nuclear event occurs, the Li2MoO4 crystal undergoes an increase in heat. This tiny increase is detected by a temperature sensor. In addition to the temperature change, scintillation light is emitted by the crystal. This radiation is collected by a light detector. CUPID-Mo light detectors are made of high-purity Ge wafers with a diameter of 44.5 mm and 175 μm thickness, including a 70 nm SiO coating to increase light collection.
The advantage of this double readout is the discrimination, event by event, of decay types. We know from previous bolometric experiments that a large part of the background in the 0νββ comes from alpha decays. Thanks to a different light-output, it is possible to separate alpha from beta decay events.
Zoom of the background energy spectrum, we can see zero count in the Region of Interest. Credits: CUPID-Mo
In the presented analysis, we consider more than one year of data (2.17 kg × y exposure in Li2MoO4 corresponding to 1.2 kg × y exposure in 100Mo) acquired between March 2019 and April 2020.
With the rejection of alpha events of lower light output, we are able to perform the 0νββ search without any backgrounds in the region of interest. First, this means that thanks to the high efficiency of the bolometric technology we are able to set a new world leading limit for the half-live of 0νββ decay of 100Mo of 1.4×1024 y, better than the previous 1.1×1024 y. Moreover, the achieved suppression of background already exceeds the performance of the CUORE experiment and meets all requirements for the implementation of the CUPID-Mo technology in CUPID at much larger scale.
Effective Majorana mass as a function of the lightest neutrino mass. We can see the new limit obtained by the CUPID-Mo collaboration : with an exposure of only 1.2 kg x y in 100Mo, we are able to set a limit of mbb < (0.31-0.54) eV 90% c.i.
Limits obtained by other collaborations for other isotopes are also shown. Credits: CUPID-Mo
The CUPID-Mo experiment has completed a 3-week calibration campaign with an accelerator-produced short-lived source of 56Co to improve the understanding of the energy scale and resolution in the 0νββ decay region of interest. Several physics analyses will be performed in the coming months, along with a refined study of the background model.
Later this decade, the CUPID-Mo technology will be pursued on a large scale in the CUPID experiment, with about 1500 crystals installed at the Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy in the current CUORE facility. CUPID will be at the forefront of 0νββ search.
The CUPID-Mo experiment brings together several European laboratories from France (IJCLab, IP2I-Lyon, IRFU/CEA, IRAMIS/CEA, Institute Néel, Université Paris-Saclay and Université Grenoble Alpes), Ukraine (KINR), Italy (INFN-Rome and INFN-Milano-Bicocca, LNGS, University of La Sapienza, University of Milano-Bicocca and University of Insubria) and Germany (KIT, TUM) and other international laboratories from the U.S. (LBNL, MIT, University of California and University of South Carolina), Russia (JINR, ITEP, NIIC) and China (Fudan University, USTC) .
LST-1 with Shooting Star, Credit: Tomohiro Inada, CTAO
Between January and February 2020, the prototype Large-Sized Telescope (LST), the LST-1, observed the Crab Pulsar, the neutron star at the centre of the Crab Nebula. The telescope, which is being commissioned on the CTA-North site on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands and which just passed its Critical Design Review, was conducting engineering runs to verify the telescope performance and adjust operating parameters.
Pulsars are very rapidly rotating and strongly magnetized neutron stars that emit light in the form of two beams, which can be observed from Earth only when passing our line of sight. While detecting the strong and steady emission or outbursts of gamma-ray sources with Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) has become routine, pulsars are much more challenging to detect due to their weak signals and the typical dominance of the foreground gamma-ray signal from the surrounding nebulae. Despite hundreds of observations hours by IACTs around the globe, only four pulsars emitting signals in the very high-energy gamma-ray regime have been discovered, so far. Now that the LST-1 has shown that it can detect the Crab pulsar, it joins the field of telescopes capable of detecting gamma-ray pulsars, validating the timestamping system and the low-energy performance of the telescope.
Visualization of GW190814, Credit: N. Fischer, S. Ossokine, H. Pfeiffer, A. Buonanno (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics), Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes (SXS) Collaboration.
When the most massive stars die, they collapse under their own gravity and leave behind black holes; when stars that are a bit less massive die, they explode in supernovas and leave behind dense, dead remnants of stars called neutron stars. For decades, astronomers have been puzzled by a gap that lies between neutron stars and black holes: the heaviest known neutron star is no more than 2.5 solar masses, and the lightest known black hole is about 5 solar masses. Now, scientists from LIGO and Virgo have announced the discovery of an object of 2.6 solar masses, placing it firmly in the mass gap. About 800 million years ago, this object merged with a black hole of 23 solar masses and, in so doing, emitted an intense gravitational wave. Since the observation of this wave alone, which was detected on Earth in August 2019, does not allow us to distinguish whether the compact object is a black hole or a neutron star, its precise nature remains a mystery.
During the last meeting of the General Assembly a new Chair and Vice-Chair for the Scientific Advisory Committee have been elected: Sijbrand de Jong takes over the duty as chair from Laura Baudis and Silvia Pascoli substitutes Jocelyn Monroe as Vice-Chair. We want to take this opportunity to thank Laura Baudis and Jocelyn Monroe for their successful work in the last two years! The main task of the SAC is report to the General Assembly on issues of strategic scientific importance, including the connection to related areas, such as particle and nuclear physics and astronomy. With the planned town meeting next year an important event is imminent and the SAC is responsible for the scientific organisation. For this event and for all further tasks we wish the newly elected chairs all the best!
“Astroparticle physics has emerged as a recognisable, independent field over the past several decades. The ties with particle physics and astrophysics are very visible and strong and it would be good to keep close cooperation with these two fields.
Astroparticle physics is a vibrant field with a number of recent far-reaching breakthroughs, and many excited scientists who want to continue on this path. It is also a very diverse field, encompassing not only installations to observe the universe, but also controlled accelerator as well as non-accelerator experiments. Theoretical astroparticle physics is not only important for interpretation of observational and experimental results and to guide new observations and experiments, but also to provide the connection between the diverse areas of astroparticle physics.
Astroparticle physics is part of the big-science family, with major real estate running and being prepared for the future, very often in a global perspective. As a relatively young field, it does not yet have the degree of organisation that several other big-science fields have. APPEC plays a crucial role to provide coordination and organisation of astroparticle physics in Europe, with good connection to the rest of the world. Setting priorities is an important part of the coordination. Organising the European funding agencies behind the prioritised programmes is the other important aspect.
The APPEC SAC, as advisory body of the APPEC General Assembly, is responsible to provide the General Assembly with the necessary scientific arguments to set priorities, to push support for the prioritised projects all over Europe and to enable the General Assembly to seek alliances with parties outside of Europe. As the chair of the APPEC SAC I will do my very best to coach the SAC to deliver all relevant information as advice to the General Assembly: complete, on time and in comprehensible language.” Sijbrand de Jong
“Astroparticle physics aims at answering some of the most fundamental questions in physics, from the identity of dark matter to the symmetries of nature related to proton decay and neutrinos, from the behaviour of extreme astrophysical environments to the evolution of the Universe. It exploits the rich interface between particle physics, astronomy and cosmology and their synergy. It is in an exciting phase, with new experiments ongoing and planned for the future, the recent birth of multimessenger astronomy thanks to the discovery of gravitational waves and high energy neutrinos, and new theoretical ideas. Connecting with other related areas, such as particle and nuclear physics and cosmology, is also important and can open new research perspectives. In my role as Vice-Chair of APPEC SAC, I will strive to support the Chair, Prof. de Jong, in providing the scientific advice to APPEC General Assembly to shape the future of the field.” Silvia Pascoli
Sijbrand de Jong
I have been educated as an experimental particle physicist. I started in 1984 as MSc student on the WA25 (neutrino deep inelastic scattering) and NA4 (BCDMS, muon deep inelastic scattering) experiments. I did my PhD from 1986 until 1990 on the preparation of the ZEUS experiment at HERA/DESY (ep deep inelastic scattering). As a post-doc and junior faculty, I worked on the OPAL experiment at LEP/CERN (e+e- scattering) from 1990 until 1998. After having been appointed full professor at Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands in 1998, I worked on the Dzero experiment at the Tevatron/Fermilab (ppbar scattering) and in the transition to Radboud University I worked for a short while in ATLAS (pp scattering).
Since 2005, I switched to astroparticle physics and I am active in the Pierre Auger Collaboration, notably on helping to establish the detection of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays ultra-high-energy cosmic rays via the radio frequency emission of their air shower (in jargon called radio detection). Currently, I am a member of the team that rolls out this technology to the full Pierre Auger Observatory 3000 square kilometre array to provide a completely new detection layer for the electromagnetic part of extensive air showers, especially also for horizontal showers, which may open the possibility for the detection of ultra-high-energy neutrinos.
I did my share of administration and governance, as director of the school of physics at Radboud University, as founding director of the Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics at Radboud University, as 10-year board member of the Dutch Physics funding agency, and more recently for three years as CERN Council President (after a preceding period of six years as CERN Council member).
I very much like education and public engagement and I founded a Pre-University College of Science at Radboud University at the interface between secondary school and university.
Silvia Pascoli
I have been interested in astroparticle physics since the beginning of my career. After obtaining a PhD in Elementary Particle Physics from SISSA, Italy, working on neutrinoless double beta decay theory, I moved to UCLA as a postdoc and then to CERN as a Fellow. In 2005 I joined Durham University as faculty, in the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, where I served as Deputy Director from March 2011 to August 2014 and became professor in 2012. My main fields of research are neutrino physics and astroparticle physics, with focus on their phenomenology, the origin of neutrino masses and of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe, and the connection with dark matter and cosmology. For my research, I received the 2013 Occhialini Prize jointly by the Institute of Physics (UK) and the Societa ́ Italiana di Fisica (Italy) and I was awarded the ERC Consolidator grant NuMass. Although a theorist, I often collaborate with experimentalists to test new theoretical ideas and to understand the physics potential of current and future experiments, for instance as member of the DUNE collaboration and in the past with my involvement in e.g. LAGUNA-LBNO. I endeavour to contribute to the shaping of the field, both with advising roles (member of Fermilab Physics Advisory Committee, several STFC panels, Hyper-Kamiokande Program Advisory Committee) and with activities aimed at the broader community (e.g. Neutrino 2016 organisation, CENF-TH co-convener, Horizon2020 RISE InvisiblesPlus deputy coordinator, EuCAPT Steering Committee member). I believe that training the next generation of scientists is of paramount importance: in addition to teaching and supervising PhD students, I have acted as deputy coordinator of two EU-funded ITNs, Invisibles and Elusives, and I am the coordinator of the recently funded Horizon2020 ITN HIDDeN. I have a very strong commitment to Equality/Diversity/Inclusion and I try to inform all my activities by it. I have also a great interest in engagement with industry and the general public and have organized several outreach events.