Report from the Workshop on EU Underground Laboratories

The workshop on European Underground Laboratories took place at LNGS. Credits: Antonio Giampaoli/ LNGS
A Workshop on EU Underground Laboratories was held at LNGS on 28-29 April. The Workshop was jointly organized by LNGS and APPEC (https://agenda.infn.it/event/30742/).
The purpose of the Workshop was to facilitate and promote an executive network between Underground Laboratories in Europe to better face next generation experiments.
Contributions from LNGS (Italy), LSC (Spain), LSM and LSBB (France), CLAB (Finland), Boulby (UK), HADES (Belgium), ChETEC-INFRA (Germany), Romania and Poland were reported during the Workshop.
A final round table with lab directors established a willingness to initiate regular meetings to assess the present state of infrastructure in order to identify common interests and future collaborations.
The talks are available from the indico page: https://agenda.infn.it/event/30742/timetable/