SENSE Kick-off workshop
28 October 2016
In the lovely surroundings of the Carl-Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung at Schloss Nymphenburg in Munich the SENSE Kick-off workshop took place on 27 September.
Scientists, international experts and company representatives gathered to signal the start to the SENSE project, which is funded as FET-Open in Horizon 2020.
Dr Thomas Berghöfer, the general secretary of APPEC, explained to the audience the long way to SENSE, which was developed after the experience of two APPEC/ ASPERA Technology Fora on photosensors, and discussions on the LIGHT and other conferences to coordinate and support R&D activities towards the ideal low light-level photosensor.
The project consortium – which consists of the partners DESY, University of Geneva, Max-Planck Institute for Physics in Munich, and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – and the work packages were introduced in the following talks. Further talks gave an introduction to current status and challenges in in the area of low light level sensors. Lively discussions after the talks and in the breaks showed strong interest on the project from the audience.
Dr Razmik Mirzoyan, leader of work package “Roadmapping & Monitoring” mentioned in his talk that he is “dreaming of a sensor with a photon detection efficiency of 70%” – so let´s start working together on sowing the seeds for substantial sensor developments!
All the presentations from the conference can be found on the kick-off website.
Further information on the project will be soon available online, and you can also read updates on Twitter.