SENSE update
APPEC spin-off project SENSE (a Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action aiming to coordinate research and development efforts in academia and industry on low light-level sensors – www.sense-pro.org) is glad to announce that the first version of the SENSE Roadmap is ready for download (https://www.sense-pro.org/documents/roadmap). This Roadmap aims to define the R&D activities that SENSE would like to follow for the development of the ultimate low light-level sensor(s), mainly for future astroparticle physics projects, but also for other applications, e.g. in medical diagnostics, biology, automotive industry, safety.
For more developments and news on SENSE you are invited to subscribe for the SENSE newsletter (https://www.sense-pro.org/newsletter-subscription). It reports discussions which take place in the SENSE consortium and upcoming SENSE events or meetings. It also provides information on interesting developments regarding LLL sensors and portraits of test facilities available to the community working on photosensors, of companies (and in the next future evaluation cards for some of their products) and of experiments dealing with photosensors.
You are also welcome to register to the SENSE forum and use it to discuss with the experts and the SENSE team your ideas and questions around the future developments on LLL sensoring.