In memory of Stavros Katsanevas – Your spirit will remain
Stavros Katsanevas, born in Athens in 1953, died on 27 November 2022. He is known as a tireless proponent of astroparticle physics in all his functions, whether as deputy director of the French IN2P3, director of the APC in Paris or director of the EGO in Pisa. He has promoted the European and global coordination of astroparticle physics for decades and is rightly described as one of the founding fathers of this modern field of research.
Stavros Katsanevas was the initiator of several European scientific projects in the field of astroparticle physics. With the support of the European Commission, he founded ASPERA I+II, followed by the AstroParticle Physics European Consortium (ApPEC), which entered a new era in 2012 under the name APPEC. Stavros was the first Chair of the General Assembly of APPEC from 2012-2014. He has always been an indispensable member, a driving force and a mainstay of all APPEC activities. He played a central role in defining a global strategy of astroparticle physics and its road-mapping. He always paid special attention to interdisciplinary science around astroparticle physics, and to projects combining art and science to engage the public in the history, culture and bright future of science.
Stavros Katsanevas was animated by an inexhaustible desire to contribute to the progress of science by serving, stimulating and enlivening the community. This was a passion for which he lived and from which he let nothing deter him. His participation in APPEC was instrumental in bringing astroparticle physics to the attention of Europe and the world. A physicist and colleague with boundless and inexhaustible enthusiasm and great scientific culture, steeped in philosophy, literature and poetry, a humanist and universalist, Stavros was also a friend to many of us.
With extraordinary courage, Stavros fought his illness for years with such dignity and energy that he seemed invincible. Deep sadness gripped us when we received the news that Stavros left us on 27 November 2022 and that he will now share his inspirations on scientific knowledge elsewhere. But we are sure that he will convince and inspire there as well. APPEC and astroparticle physics owe a lot to Stavros and we ourselves have always felt comfortable and inspired around him. This is a great gift and we will miss him as a colleague and as a friend.
Stavros, your spirit will remain with us
See also: https://www.ego-gw.it/for-stavros/ and https://apcwebnew.in2p3.fr/APC_CS/en/death-stavros-katsanevas